Hrithik Roshan Claims Porco From AOT S4 is Inspired from his role in "Koi mil gaya"


 According to a fan post, Porco from Attack on Titan has similar Looks, Clothes, and hairstyles to Hrithik Roshan from the movie "Koi Mil Gaya"

The resemblance is quite similar so now the question is has Isamaya really copied the look? because it's not the first time Isamaya has done this he has copied character design before I.e Levi Ackerman looks exactly like Feiten From Hunter x Hunter. So it's highly possible for this news to be real but believing something without any proof is really cruel to the author. If he really did it he should be ashamed because India is number 1 in everything. I understand you get inspiration from them but please give credit when you steal something.

This is a satire article mentioning this in case you are dumb enough to believe it.


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